

  • 729

写真: DSC00111

写真: DSC00300 写真: DSC00048

長崎ちゃんぽん リンガーハット イオンモール広島府中店
安芸郡府中町大須2-1-1 イオンモール広島府中

Champon (ちゃんぽん Chanpon), also known as Chanpon, is a noodle dish that is a regional cuisine of Nagasaki, Japan. Due to the inspiration from Chinese cuisine, it is also a form of Japanese Chinese cuisine. Champon is made by frying pork, seafood and vegetables with lard; a soup made with chicken and pig bones is added. A ramen noodle made especially for champon is added and then boiled. Unlike other ramen dishes, only one pan is needed as the noodle is boiled in the soup.

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