
広島市南区松原町 カープロード 2018年5月22日

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写真: 広島市南区松原町 カープロード 2018年5月22日

写真: 稲荷町 バス停 広島市南区稲荷町 相生通り 2018年5月25日 写真: 広島市南区松原町 カープロード 2012年12月9日

広島市南区松原町 カープロード
2012年12月9日 https://flic.kr/p/HNSCx2
2018年5月22日 https://flic.kr/p/HNSCCc

In 2009, Hiroshima Municipal Baseball Stadium, also known as MAZDA ZoomZoom Stadium, opened as a new symbol of Hiroshima. It features a sparkling green playing field made of all natural turf and a wide range of seating options such as ground-level seating that puts you right next to the action on the field, and sofa seating where you can watch the game lying down.

The ballpark’s opening has rejuvenated the Aiyu Market located between the stadium and Hiroshima Station. Before, the market was losing customers to modern supermarkets and was only visited by elderly customers, but it is now a bustling shopping spot with many customers on game days. With the stadium as the main driving force, Carp-related business in Hiroshima Prefecture has generated approximately 18.5 billion yen and has largely contributed to livening the city atmosphere.

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