
異国で『伊勢物語』唐衣きつつなれにし・・Rabbit-Ear Iris fam-ous in Japanese poem

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写真: 異国で『伊勢物語』唐衣きつつなれにし・・Rabbit-Ear Iris fam-ous in Japanese poem

写真: 布袋腹になったらどないしょう!布袋と千仏塔〜仏教彫刻  Smiling Budai & Pagoda


The Japanese poet Ariwara no Narihira wrote a waka(Japanese poem) in 『Ise Monogatari』(『The Tales of Ise』in english ,a Japanese uta monogatari, or collection of waka poems and
associated narratives) using the five initial letters of Ka-Ki-Tsu-Ba-Ta when he rested beside
the yatsuhashi or eight bridges in the famous iris marshes of Mikawa province and saw them
en route to Azuma(Edo).
The poem goes:
KArakoromo KItsutsu narenishi TSUma shi areba HArubaru kinuru TAbi wo shi zo omou
( I have a beloved wife / familiar as the skirt / of a well-worn robe / and so this distant journeying / fills my heart with grief)

Waka (literally, "Japanese poem") is a type of poetry in classical Japanese literature.
The word waka has two different but related meanings: the original meaning was "poetry
in Japanese" and encompassed several genres such as chōka and sedōka;the later,more
common definition refers to poetry in a 5-7-5-7-7 metre.

Iris laevigata, Rabbit-ear iris or kakitsubata, it is found growing in shallow waters and seems
to prefer marshy and still ponds.

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